Since going public with our plans to adopt a son from India, there are two questions that we are having to answer on a regular basis: 1) Why are you adopting? and 2) Why are you adopting from India? Although there is a simple yet powerful answer for both questions (GOD), we know that most people who are asking these questions, really want to hear a little more of our story and what led us to this huge decision. Therefore, let me try to answer both of these questions as humbly and concisely as I possibly can.
James 1:27 declares that, “Religion that is
pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows
in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted by the world.” Our motivation to adopt a child centers on
the clear calling of God in our lives. In 2009, while at a
Women of Faith Conference, Misti heard the call of God to adopt. Instead of coming right home and having a
conversation with me (which may or may not have gone well), she decided to pray and ask God to reveal His calling to
me, in His perfect timing. About eight
months later when I was at the Southern Baptist Convention, God made that calling very clear in my life. In fact, God spoke to my heart so powerfully and clearly that there was no way that I could argue with it. My only concern in that moment was how Misti was going to respond to this news. Thankfully, God had already worked that out:-). After having many conversations together, neither one of us believed that the timing was right for our
family. Earlier this summer, God united
our family and confirmed His calling on us and confirmed His perfect timing for
us. Therefore, the main reason that we are desiring
to adopt is because of the clear call of God over our lives.
Now comes the more difficult question: WHY INDIA? Over the last month, there have been many well meaning people that have questioned our desire to adopt internationally as opposed to adopting from America. At times I've walked away from these conversations feeling more like Benedict Arnold than Mother Teresa. Yet, the only answer that I can give is to tell our story which has its beginning, middle, and end in God. In 2012, I took my first trip to India with our
church to work alongside the International Mission Board and the Indian Baptist
Society. God quickly confirmed in my heart that He was calling our church to join the ongoing efforts of the IMB
and IBS in taking the gospel to the unengaged and unreached people in the state
of Karnataka. This November, I plan on
taking my fourth trip to India and Lord willing, plan on many other trips for
the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel to a people who have little to no access to it. Because of this
mission that God has placed in the heart of our church and in the heart of our family, it became very clear to us that God was calling us to adopt from India. It will not be easy and it will not be quick, but we know that God has called us to take a child that is destined to have little to no chance of hearing the Gospel, and not only make him our own (and show him as much love as we can possibly give him), but also point him to the only Savior of sinners in the world!
This is our story (which is really His story) and by the His grace, we are sticking to it! #Adoptionisredemption!